Definition of Economics
The word economics has been derived from the Latin word "Oiko Nomos"
which means household budget. This explains how the persons of a house
manage to earn money and spend it. Later on this word was usedoing on
state called "Polos". This explains that how the people of a state use to spend
their lives and earn means of living. For thisome reasonso it was better called
as "Political economy". However these two words were separated and become
separate disciplines. The first one become political science and later one the
subject of economics.
Evolution of Economics
The evolution of the definition of economics has passed through various stages.
However it can be broadly classified into three school of thought.
(1) Classical school of thought (1723------1790)
(2) Noe-Classical school of thought (1842-------1924)
(3)London school of thought
J.M.KEYNES'S Definition
Keynes in his book "General theory of employment, interest and money"
published in 1936 gave a modern definition of Economics.
"Economics is a science which creates employment opportunities and from
ways to increase GNP by making efficient utilization of the scarce sources"
Important points
Economics includes the activites of those people living in societies and not
of those living in far flung area like Robinson cruse, Saint etc.
It includes only "material welfare" of human beings no the non-material
welfare. It includes both individual and collective efforts of man.
The purpose of every economic effort of the human being should be the
material walfare. So Economics relates to that part of wealth which is
concerned with the ""material walfare".
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